Monday, March 8, 2010

8 March 2010 Been a while

I couldn't write for a while because my wi-fi decided to give up the ghost. Therefore I had to wait an entire month to get crappy expensive internet service. Seems like SCSI has cornered the market here so no amount of complaining will get those guys to improve the internet service. But I can get you up to speed in pics. I got my G ride (MULE), I think of it as my very own mini Hummer.It has a whopping V2 engine and tops out at about 23 mph. I be rollin hard like the G that I am. I also procured a brand new used celly (doesn't work more than half the time) and most importantly I caught my first Monster. This place has some sights to see and I fully intend on seeing all of em. and I'm workin my way around the island takin pics catchin fish and takin names. Feb was busy for me. I started my diving classes, verified my tackle strength on a beast and generally had a good ol time. Take a look at the pics and see for yourself. The capture of the beast will be in a separate blog because I wrote it but left it at work so I have to retrieve it and paste it in here. By the way that fish is in a blue full sized wheelbarrow...

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