Monday, April 5, 2010

The all nighter

Hello again. I started April out with a bang. I got a team together and we decided we would spend all night on the water. If you look at the pic you already know who the big fish award goes to. All in all we caught about 35lbs of fish for the upcoming fish fry. 20 lbs of that was my one lunker. Turns out fishing for snapper is alot like fishing for catfish. I read that they regularly eat crustaceans but I catch the big boys on fresh fish heads exclusively. I guess they get picky as they age. Catfish are the same way. You can catch a small cat on anything from soap to rotten corn but to get the lunkers fresh native fish is the way to go. I'm still formulating a plan to catch jaws. Since they are supposedly able to detect one drop of blood in a million gallons of water you'd think that was an easy task. I have put all types of chum in the water with no luck yet for my toothy foe. I have to specialize and go out by myself to play the wait game with the sharks. So far I haven't found a fishing partner that patient yet. I have limited time here in Cuba so I'll keep my lines wet as much as possible for the next few months...

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