Thursday, May 13, 2010

May blues

I believe I will officially state that the fresh appeal of GTMO has worn off. I've backed off of the fishing a wee bit. No spectacular pics this time. I had the most fun ever actually catching crabs with this contraption called the crab hawk. It's like a crazy reverse mouse trap. The spring holds it open until you reel it up on your line. Everybody in my office bust out laughin when I pulled it out the envelope. I had to laugh too...I mean it is called the CRAB HAWK. My fishin partner was shrieking like a hawk the whole time I was explaining how it worked. When I got out on the water it was another story completely. We had all but given up on a few good fishing spots because we couldn't keep the crabs off the bait. That got my wheels turning and I started looking up crab pots and stumbled upon this thing. It was only $20 so I went ahead and bought it. It is kind of cheap looking but it made my day. We caught a whole mess of crabs. I figured that even if it broke today it still paid for itself in good times and the amount of crab caught would probably cost the same. That same day I finally caught a shark... two to be exact. Not quite Jaws but a good start. They were so small I just tossed em back. I'm still after that 200 pounder. I did catch a 5 ft eel that I could have sworn was a monster. Eels roll into a ball when you get them on the line. I just knew I had a massive beast coming in. I realized that a pretty streamlined fish can feel heavy as hell when it's rolled in a tight ball. I was happy though because I had only been catching bait sized snappers until that point.

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